MATCHES: Working with the Match Display Attention Referees If you are looking to sign up to referee a match - you need to log on to the system, then click on REFEREE, then click on "Match Inquiry". Check out the Help in that section to understand how things work.
- Overview of Matches
- The option to list Matches is intended as a tool to give parents, coaches, and players the ability to see the information in the referee system about their matches - including when and where the match will be played, and whether or not a referee has been assigned. Every LWYSA home match is listed here. This site lists where the referee crew will be going to officiate your match. It is a "real time" system, meaning that any change made by an LWYSA administrator is IMMEDIATELY reflected on the systems and available to the officials. This is the EXACT information the referee crew has. If your match has been moved to a different time and place than what is shown here, you MUST contact the LWYSA office to get this fixed. Your referees are going to the place listed in this system, not to where you are playing.
- What do the Symbols mean?
means an official is assigned to that position
means no official is assigned to that position
means a previously assigned official can no longer work the match. No official is assigned.
means a referee is interested in working that match, but has not confirmed they can work it. This usually happens when a referee had previously agreed to work the match, but that match was moved to a new time or place and we have not yet received confirmation that the referee can make it to the new time and place.
If the match information has a line through it that means the referees have been told the match is canceled.
means that the organization assigning a referee to the match is EKCSRA, not LWYSA.- Finding Matches for a Particular team
- When you first click on Matches, you will be shown a screen that lists ALL of the matches available. If you wish, you can scroll through to find the information you want, but, since that could be well over 1,000 matches, we've provided you with a tool to help you. At the top of the list you'll find some blanks. If you just type in the information you know (such as team name), then press Search, the display will change to list only those items.
If you are trying to see a copy of your team's schedule, the best choice is to select gender, age, and then some part of your team name that you know...then press Search. Note that this display starts from the current date. As the weeks progress, the list will get shorter, unless you change the start date for the display. On the right you will see some symbols, which are explained above. Any symbol other than the means you may not have a referee. The that you may see on some matches means that the referees for that match are actually assigned by the East King County Soccer Referee Association (EKCSRA). LWYSA contracts with EKCSRA for referees on some matches because EKCSRA can draw upon a much larger group of experienced referees which are required for these matches. - Important things to look at
- Once you find the team list - look CAREFULLY at all the dates, times, and locations for your matches. Are these the same as what your records show? If they are not - know that your referees are not going where you are going! That's not good. The LWYSA office must be contacted immediately. LWYSA staff can update the referee system. As soon as a change is made to a time or place, the referees are automatically notified by the system (via email - or even text message if the referee set themselves up for that) of the change. In addition, the referee assignors are ALSO automatically notified of all changes so they can make sure the referees get the message. On REALLY short notice changes, LWYSA staff also have access to referee phone numbers.
- What if I don't have a referee?
- First, we already know that you don't have a referee. The status of referee assignments is continuously monitored. It is NOT uncommon for there to be uncovered games right up to the day before the match. Obviously, the more uncovered games there are, the greater the chance you will not have a referee. However, be assured that everything that can be done, is being done, to try and get a referee for every match. We focus on teams with "priority" first (those teams that are providing a referee to the pool that is taking assignments), but it is still our objective to get referees for everybody. On this display, "priority" is indicated by colored stars. Bigger and brighter means a higher priority. Please note that priority information is NOT displayed in THIS system for any games assigned by EKCSRA (indicated by the
in the "Referees" column). There are some times and places that are very difficult to cover. For example, it is more difficult to get a referee to a field that is "by itself" (such as a school stadium) because it is harder for a referee to "package" two or three assignments than it is when they can work at 60 acres or Marymoor. Weeknight evening are a challenging time because people may not be able to get off of work (or may need a parent who is working to drive them) - or the fact that high school plays at that time and requires a large number of referees. - A note about Team IDs
- Because of the way LWYSA match information is provided, LWYSA "in house games" (U10-U12 recreational) do not use your team's "real" Team ID, so you can't search using it. Once you bring up a few games, you should be able to easily see the four-digit "pseudo ID" we used and can use that ID from then on.
Crossfire teams and District II teams (U13+) usee the "real" WSYSA Team ID. So, if you know that ID, you can bring up your games by typing that number (207141xxx or 207144xxx). - Tournaments and Jamborees
- During the summer weekend tournaments, during the "elimination rounds" or almost any tournament, and during the Labor Day Jamboree, you cannot really use this system reliably to see if you have a referee. Many of those events have officials managed "at the field" by an onsite assignor. Also, during "elimination rounds", the system has no way of knowing which teams will be playing when. It will just have "Winner bracket 1 vs. 2nd place Bracket 2" or similar. It may - or may not - be updated as the tournament progresses. Have no fear though, elimination rounds are typically assigned "at the field" from a pool of officials that are readily available.