When Will Matches be Available for Signup?Printable

For details of how we release matches for assignment, read this entire article.
09/01/14 Evening
All matches, including the last Crossfire Premier matches, are now loaded. No more are expected for this coming weekend.
08/28/14 Morning
We think we've fixed our issue. Matches are released for self assignment, but only through the first weekend (actually 2 weeks out).
08/27/14 Night
A little delay in being able to sign up. Looks more like mid-day Thursday. Now that the recreational matches were loaded, we found an issue that has to be corrected.
08/27/14 Evening
Recreational matches were loaded this afternoon. They will be released for assignment some time later tonight. Expect to be restricted to three matches during the first weekend while word gets out.
08/24/14 Late
Expect matches to be released for assignment no later than Wednesday. However, we still have not received any match schedules beyond those below. Hopefully, we'll have them by Weds.
08/21/14 Morning
District 2 (U13+ Recreational) and Crossfire Select matches are loaded. However, they are NOT released for signup yet. There may still be changes to these schedules and we still have more games to load. If you try to sign up, you will see a Fail message.
As we approach the Fall Season, many of you are going to start asking When will I be able to sign up for games? This article answers that question. First, you will always find the most current information about games that may be available for signup by going to the LWYSA Referee Web Site and looking under "What's New?". If there is nothing about games listed there, then there is no additional information available. If you log on and see no games - there are none and we don't know for certain when they will come. When we have an "estimate" of when games are available, we will POST it under "What's New?" Its up to you to go to the web site and check now and then.

PLEASE do not send emails asking "When will games be available?" Go to the web site and look. Why don't we "just send out an email"? Because information changes constantly and if we sent out emails with every change, many of your ISP's would tag us as a spamming site and block ALL of our communication. We know this because it has happened. Also, please do NOT call the LWYSA office and ask when schedules will be available - it just slows them down to have to answer the phones and emails. We are in constant communication with them and they let us know as soon as they know about games - and we post that information almost immediately.

MESSAGE: To find out when games are available - go to the web site!

I can see games, but can't sign up yet! - RELEASED?
We will begin loading games onto the system as soon as we start getting schedule information. HOWEVER, we will normally not open matches for signup until we have most of the Schedules. This is because folks tend to want to sign up right away, but then when more convenient games come available, they turn back the games they have signed up for and take those other games. This churn usually makes it harder for us to get the games covered. Therefore, we wait until we have MOST games.

Another reason we wait a little is because of the many last minute tweaks that happen to schedules. We'd like to think that, once scheduled, games won't move around a lot. However, from history we know that a lot of Schedule changes happen right after games Schedules are initially communicated to the teams (and us). So, just because that games LOOKS like it is at 1pm on Saturday - it could easily change.

When a match is available for assignment - we say the match has been "Released" for assignment.

I want to sign up for more games but the system won't let me!
Throughout the season, we set limits on how many matches you can sign up for. At the start of the season, this number is quite low. This gives all of our referees a chance to start signing up for matches and our new referees get a chance to get familiar with the system. This gives the best chance for matches to be fairly distributed amongst our referees. In addition, we try to protect referees from themselves. If you sign up for too many matches in a short period of time, you risk injury and well as becoming much less effective as a referee. As we move through the season, we relax these limits. Also, we automatically remove many limits as we get close to the game time.
I don't know why the system won't let me sign up
If you are able to get to the list of matches, and you select a match and say "assign" - you will get a screen with a long list of "rules" on it. Things that are checked to make sure you are eligible to sign up for a match. If one or more of them has a red Fail in the right column, that indicates why you can't sign up. Click on the question mark right next to the Fail and you will receive a detailed explanation and what you need to do to be able to sign up.
The Bottom Line
Please read the information we post under "What's New?" and let that be your guide for when you can sign up for games.