Minor Work AuthorizationPrintable

Minor Work Authorization

Each year, any person under the age of 18 must complete a "Minor Work Authorization" to work in the state of Washington. This is a state-mandated form. It must be signed by the minor, the minor's parents, and a person (often a counselor, though it can be any school official) at the school the minor attends. The minor must complete one of these for EACH place that they work.

If you attended an LWYSA sponsored class, LWYSA would have provided you with a copy of this form, with LWYSA information, for you to complete. You should use the form that LWYSA provided you.

If you did not attend an LWYSA class, or if you have misplaced your form, you may get a new form by contacting the LWYSA office at 821-1741 or by sending an email to refereeadministrator@lwysa.org and LWYSA will be happy to send you one - or you may stop by the office and pick one up.


Most Common Reasons for the Error

Wrong Form: The data on each form is different for each place you will be working, so you cannot use the same form that you may have had signed for NYSA or EKCSRA with LWYSA, nor may you meet the requirements of NYSA or EKCSRA by using the form provided by LWYSA. Each form contains the name and address of the employer. So, you MUST obtain a separate from from EACH organization you wish to work for. You cannot copy a form from one place and use it in another. Each organization has to put unique information on each form. Yes, this is a nuisance. But it is state law. Form Expired: These forms are valid for the current school year and 30 days into the next school year. This gives you a chance to get a new form signed at the start of each school year without interrupting your "work". So, if you take an April class and fill out a form, you will need to fill out another one at the start of school in the fall. Your form expires September 30. It is very easy to forget about this requirement.

Action You Must Take
The procedure below can be slightly different for each school. LWYSA has no control over the procedures that a school chooses to follow. ALWAYS be polite... and patient... with the school staff that you are dealing with. You will be asking them to complete a form at an exceptionally busy and stressful time of year for them.

Approximately two weeks before the first day of school, most schools will have an administrator in their office. They are busy doing class planning. The offices are usually NOT open to the public yet. You can call the school and ask if they are open. Some will be. Approximately one week before the start of school, most offices are "open for business". Go to the office WITH YOUR COMPLETED FORM as soon as it is open.

Typically, you will have to leave the form in the office. Each school decides who must sign the form. Sometimes, an office staff person will. Sometimes, it may be a counselor or even a principal. Since the person they want to sign the form may not be there, you will often have to leave the form there and come back later.

Remember, if you are going to work for more than one referee organization (such as EKCSRA and LWYSA) you must bring a form from EACH of those organizations. LWYSA can ONLY provide you with the form for LWYSA.

If you are a NEW referee, going through this process for the first time, LWYSA cannot assign you to any matches played after the school year starts until this form is turned in. If you are a returning referee that filled out the form last year, you can be assigned to matches through Sept 30 - but must get a new form signed before Sept 30 to work any matches after that. REMEMBER: AFTER YOU COMPLETE THE FORM, THE FORM MUST BE RETURNED TO LWYSA (not to a state agency)